Now that we have a solidified idea of how we expect our film opening to turn out, I am in charge of creating graphics. That means, I get to start on making the movie poster for our film! I've been doing some research about how to make a fantastic movie poster. I continue to come across the image on the right. It works as a template that helps guide me into the typical movie poster conventions. I've also discovered that to create a fantastic movie poster, and the whole point is to convey the genre, capture the audience, and get people to want to see your film. This is tricky because with movie posters one can only put so much, so the image is really the biggest factor. If your image is a picture of a couple kissing, one ca see that it's a romantic film, but does it capture your audience? That's the main thing; getting people to become invested in this film even though they know nothing about it.
Since our opening is a horror about a masked murderer, the poster should clearly illustrate this. Most horror film openings show the killer in front of a dark, eerie background. All three of the following film posters have been of very successful movies, Scream (1996), Halloween (1978), and The Grudge (2004). They all have very similar convention: dark, eerie, and the killer.

Based on our story-line, my vision of the film poster is the mask of the killer and a forest in the background, which will be Markham park. This way one can see the creepy killer's mask, and see the setting. I'm hoping to incorporate the murder weapon into the film cover, much like Halloween (above) did. These are some film posters that are very close to what I'm envisioning:
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